[Amps] A tale of two IMs What happens?

Dr. David Kirkby david.kirkby at onetel.net
Thu Apr 22 08:32:17 PDT 2010

Carl wrote:
> Note that CATV specs are written in dBuV at 75 Ohms and not dBm as is 
> common in the 50 Ohm world. Switching between the two methods sometimes 
> several times a day used to require sticky notes on the test equipment!
> Then there was Return Loss vs VSWR to confuse a bit more.
> It all took some getting used to.....similar to being bilingual.
> Carl
> KM1H
Different fields do tend to use different units.

I recall along time ago working somewhere where my manager wanted to know the 
power consumptions of some computer equipment.

I worked it out, and gave it to him in Watts, as that seemed the most sensible 
unit to me. I got a message that he did not want it in Watts, but he did not say 
what unit he wanted it in. (Since I knew it was for aircon, I could have guessed 
it was probably BTU, but he did not say that).

So I converted Watts to Kilo Joules per fortnight. I got a message back that 
Watts would do. He had spoken to the aircon specialists, who could work in 
Watts! (Needless to say, I did not have a huge amount of respect for this manager).


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