[Amps] Reposting subject line, oops, there i go again

Dr. David Kirkby david.kirkby at onetel.net
Sat Apr 3 16:04:32 PDT 2010

Bill VanAlstyne W5WVO wrote:
> Correcto mundo! I've never been able to see any advantage to that mode, 
> myself. Seems awkward.
> Just set up your mail client to filter all messages from the list into a 
> mail folder you create. And if you don't like the computer making noises 
> when emails are received, then turn the sound(s) off in your mail client's 
> setup or preferences. If you don't know how to do either of these things, 
> there should be a Help file accessible from the menu bar that tells you how.
> John, you're apparently using the Mozilla Thunderbird mail client on a Mac. 
> While I'm a PC guy and unfamiliar with Thunderbird on any platform, I would 
> be shocked if you can't readily do both of those things on it.
> And for anyone else out there fixated on Digest mode -- While it is possible 
> that there are email clients out there that can't (a) filter and redirect 
> messages on a variety of different properties, and (b) control the operating 
> system sounds that are made for different email occurrences, I've never seen 
> any -- at least, not since the days of text-based Unix MAIL and PINE 
> clients.
> Bill W5WVO

If you look at the header, you will see I am using Thurderbird, though not on 
any common operating system. One can certainly create filers, and I assume one 
can turn sound on, though I've never fancied that, so I have not tried to.

Anyway, it would make things a lot easier if people could reply to the group 
without changing the subject line. But I can't' be bothered to discuss it much 
more. Some obviously like chaning the subject. I can't say I've come across any 
newsgroup or mailing list where it is done as much as here.


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