[Amps] Thinking out loud

Ron Youvan ka4inm at tampabay.rr.com
Wed Apr 21 15:51:15 PDT 2010

> I already have just about all the parts for my amplifier, which will use a pair of 813's,
> but before I do too much construction I need to settle on the design :-) Since I only
> operate CW I had decided to go class-C, which would easily produce 750-800 watts from
> these tubes.

   Single ended?  Or double ended?		(P-P or parallel)

> I had decided to use a conventional grounded-cathode circuit with a link-coupled
> parallel-tuned input.

> This means that the drive required will be on the order of 10 watts. No matter how careful
> I am, I can guarantee that the day will come when I hit it with the full 100 watts from my
> exciter. So I would want to do something simple to protect the tubes. Should I use

> 1) A grid trip circuit that will open the ptt line on excessive grid current,
> 2) A screen trip circuit, etc., or
> 3) Something else?

> I'm looking for ideas.

   I vote for adding any circuit that can protect the tubes and their elements.
A separate LED for each part of the protection is a must to me.
    Ron  KA4INM - The next election, I know what is going to happen, I'm going to help.

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