[Amps] HV lytic max V ratings..some notes

Jim Thomson Jim.thom at telus.net
Sat Apr 17 02:08:58 PDT 2010

Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 11:14:11 -0400
From: "Carl" <km1h at jeremy.mv.com>
Subject: Re: [Amps] HV lytic max V ratings..some notes

> ## The ameritrons will do 1.5 kw out, so will qro/command/
> palstar/Emtron.  they all have 3.5 kva xfmr's in em.

** Youre starting to sound like someone we know, making up specs on the fly 
Grab a real Dahl catalog and run the math. Example is the Commander 2500 
Heavy Duty replacement is 900V @ 2A ICAS. The AL-1200, etc is 2570V @ 800ma 

###  How do u get 1.5 kw CCS, RF output [2.5 kw input, 60% eff]  from a 1200 va CCS
xfmr  [Comander 2500]     or a 1370 va CCS  [ AL-1200]  xmfr ?? 

##  My 46 lb dahl is rated for 2750 vac @ 1A  CCS = 2.75 kva.  All the dahl
46 lb's are aprx the same CCS kva.   The next size up is the 68 lb.  Then it's
2750 @  1.5 A  CCS = 4.125 kva. 

##  you are probably correct.  The xfmr's in these table top amps are grossly
undersized.....and way over rated.    A  46 lb dahl would be the bare min to use 
in any 1.5 kw out  RTTY rated amp.     

>> I can understand 330-560uF
>> which  still may place a strenuous starting load on stock amps.
>> ## install step start....pretty simple.
> ** More junk to buy, find room for, and eventually blow unless its
> overbuilt. The Harbach stuff is marginal in a SB-220. Amp Supply uses step
> start in most models.

> ## The fix for..'not enough room for step start' is to install it 
> outboard.
> ## It's either that.. or fry on/off switch's.. and also  cw/ssb  switchs. 
> Without
> the step start, the peak current is an easy 160-190A through the on/off 
> switch..
> albeit for only a split second.

** I could also buy a Mini, place it on a custom tube frame and running 
gear, stretch the nose and run a blown hemi.
Thats about as ridiculous as adding a bunch of outboard crap to a good 
working amp.

## suit yourself.  I don't  like the idea of frying, and replacing  cw/ssb
and also  main of/off switch's all the time.  I don't like hearing the..
thhhhummmp, when you 1st turn em on either.  A ramped up triac
would be another option.. and take up less space.   In the meantime,
a small outboard step start box solves all those problems... and also
allows to step start, when toggling between  cw + ssb modes.  It also
step starts the fils as well. Throw it on the floor, behind the desk.  I built
a  few of em  for fellow's  here in town.  They operate smoothly.  Put as much
C  in the Hv supply as you want.  A  10 ohm, 100w  Arcol /dale metal finned
resistor and 2 x 30A  P+B  PRD  series  relays  works great. 

> ## Then get a Class A  ricebox.  When toggling between Class A.. and AB
> the difference is just un-real..esp when listening off freq.. with a 2nd 
> RX..aprx 4' away.  S-9 crud  drops to zero.

** I wouldnt waste my money on a new ricebox. Its simple enough to rebias 
the TS-940 and add more cooling. Or just use the TS-830. Im less concerned 
about HF IMD where Im rarely on SSB except in an already noisy DX pileup. On 
VHF and up I take it pretty serious.

## IF you re-bias the TS-940's final  PA.... you also have to re-bias the 
driver as well.... or ur wasting your time.  

> **  Some tubes cant take all that stored energy from your overkill caps
> without something better than a glitch resistor. We dont all run YC-156,
> 3CX3000A7, 3CX6000A7, 4CX10000A, and bigger like your crowd do.
> ## better imd, far better bang for the buck, rebuildable in most cases. 
> You
> can buy any of the above tubes for a lot less, than what it cost to 
> re-tube
> a 87-A.

** How does that help the appliance operator that already has an amp?

##  It doesn't.   It MIGHT provide him with an incentive to hb his next
amp.  A  $225  YC-156 is a huge bang for the buck.. and no socket required.
No suppressor required either. Just add a surplus 4160/4800 vac  pole pig, and
 2 x pi nets [ input + output], 2 x meter's....2 x T/R relays and your done.
35w of drive= 1.5 kw.   It just goes up from there. 

later... Jim   VE7RF


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