[Amps] CB amp directly coupled via cap to antenna

Ron Youvan ka4inm at tampabay.rr.com
Sun Apr 11 18:31:29 PDT 2010

>>> Upon further consideration, if the  antenna  impedance matched the
>>> tube's plate load impedance,  wouldn't the Q be just  one? I think you
>>> still need the  simple LC tank circuit for the flywheel  effect.

   I was taught a resonant antenna is a tank circuit, antennas usually have some figure of "Q" over 
1 and if some of it's capacitance is contributed by the plate to ground of a power tube I don't see 
how the "Q" could be negated.  (we are assuming an end fed half wave {dipole} antenna)
    Ron  KA4INM - The next election, I know what is going to happen, I'm going to help.

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