[Amps] Reposting subject line, oops, there i go again
Bill VanAlstyne W5WVO
w5wvo at cybermesa.net
Sat Apr 3 11:40:33 PDT 2010
Correcto mundo! I've never been able to see any advantage to that mode,
myself. Seems awkward.
Just set up your mail client to filter all messages from the list into a
mail folder you create. And if you don't like the computer making noises
when emails are received, then turn the sound(s) off in your mail client's
setup or preferences. If you don't know how to do either of these things,
there should be a Help file accessible from the menu bar that tells you how.
John, you're apparently using the Mozilla Thunderbird mail client on a Mac.
While I'm a PC guy and unfamiliar with Thunderbird on any platform, I would
be shocked if you can't readily do both of those things on it.
And for anyone else out there fixated on Digest mode -- While it is possible
that there are email clients out there that can't (a) filter and redirect
messages on a variety of different properties, and (b) control the operating
system sounds that are made for different email occurrences, I've never seen
any -- at least, not since the days of text-based Unix MAIL and PINE
Bill W5WVO
From: "James Colville" <jimw7ry at gmail.com>
Sent: Saturday, April 03, 2010 12:01 PM
To: <jtml at vla.com>; "Amplifier Reflector" <amps at contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [Amps] Reposting subject line, oops, there i go again
> Don't use digest mode.
> 73
> Jim W7RY
> On Sat, Apr 3, 2010 at 10:52 AM, John Lyles <jtml at losalamos.com> wrote:
>> When I hit reply in two different emailers, it puts in the subject line
>> "RE: Amps Digest, Vol xx, Issue yy" (fill in the numbers). I use the
>> digest mode to reduce constant emailing bings on my computer. So i must
>> cut and paste the topic into the subject line each time. To save that,
>> as I must scroll down the replied message, then do this, then delete all
>> the rest of the digest message, I usually just try and retype the topic
>> by hand, and often find myself shortening the topic or misspelling it. I
>> apologize for this causing problems for others, but if you have a
>> solution that will fix this problem, fire away. I am willing to learn a
>> new trick to satisfy other participants here.
>> 73
>> John K5PRO
>> BSEE 1978
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