[Amps] 30M noise problem (OT?)
Jeremy - N4JIK
n4jik1 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 20 17:19:39 PDT 2010
I know this one is going to be a little strange but I would love to hear the
WAV file for this one. But to help you out my thought is it looks like it
could be STANAG 4285, a digital mode used by different governments around
the world. There is one that lives inside of 30m occasionally. I have added
a link to a website that will give you a chance to hear what it sounds like.
N4JIK formerly KD4LCR/7J6CEM
Fort Benning, GA/Phenix City, AL
Triple Play Award #327
"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but
because he loves what is behind him." G. K. Chesterton
-----Original Message-----
From: amps-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:amps-bounces at contesting.com] On
Behalf Of Jim Barber
Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2010 7:53 PM
Cc: Amps
Subject: Re: [Amps] 30M noise problem (OT?)
Looking at only the spectral display it's a fair match for a regular
enemy of mine - the Variable Frequency Drive motor (VFD) in any number
of newer front-load washing machines, air conditioners, etc.
Have you or a close neighbor bought any new appliances lately? I can't
use HF hardly at all when the XYL is running the washer, and the antenna
in question isn't all that close to it.
Jim, N7CXI
> Hi Jerome
> Can you post a WAV file to the website?
> Try emailing Clint KA7OEI - is address is at
> I had (and still do have) a problem with some sort of power line discharge
type noise from HT power lines near our house. It's a sort of 50hz based
spark type noise arranged as if it's three phase but there's a
pulse-pulse-gap-pulse-pulse-gap patter which makes me think it's a 3-phase
delta wired device with a crapped out insulator. I never did find it, so
tried building the line synchronous noise blanker that's on Clint's website.
(It didn't help BTW)
> Clint knows a lot about this stuff and may be able to analyse a wav sample
for you.
> Alternatively download a copy of cooledit pro from bit torrent and analyse
the waveform - it may give a clue
> Hope this helps
> Dave G0OIL
> --- On Tue, 20/4/10, jerome schatten <romers at shaw.ca> wrote:
> From: jerome schatten <romers at shaw.ca>
> Subject: [Amps] 30M noise problem (OT?)
> To: "Amps" <amps at contesting.com>
> Date: Tuesday, 20 April, 2010, 20:06
> Here's the admittedly weak connection between my Amplifier and my 30M
> receiving noise problem: The noise coming NOT from my trusty old 813's,
> but somewhere else, is so bad it makes no sense to use the Amp as I
> can't hear weak returning signals through the noise.
> I know it's a stretch, but there is such a rich collection of talent on
> this list across so many fields, that I couldn't resist tapping into it.
> If you care to have a look, there are three spectrum scope photos of my
> 30M noise along with some verbiage that describes the situation.
> http://www.ehpes.com/noise/noise.html will get you to the photos.
> Thanks for any ideas about what the culprit might be!
> Jerome - va7vv
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