[Amps] A few nice ones on Ebay

Gary McAdams g.m.mcadams at comcast.net
Sat Apr 10 08:51:40 PDT 2010

On 4/10/2010 1:57 AM, Jim Thomson wrote:
> Date: Fri, 9 Apr 2010 23:14:45 -0400
> From: Jeff Carter<amps at hidden-valley.com>
> Subject: Re: [Amps] A few nice ones on Ebay
> To: amps at contesting.com
> Respectfully, I must point out that your analogy breaks down at the
> point where it isn't illegal to stuff a Hemi into a Mini.
> I seem to recall a time when 11m was limited to 4 Watts.  The FCC used
> to enforce the rules on this.
> ##  You mean they used to waste  resources and taxpayers $$.
> 25 w into a GP is a no-no.     But 4 W  into a 7 -el yagi is..'ok'
Hello, all...

Yeah, we've been hearing these arguments for years, as if "technical 
ability" trumps legality.

So what if the "freebanders" are technically competent? The first thing 
that they use their ability for is to thumb their collective noses at US 
and international law.

Some technical ability... Haw!

But... Having said that, they, the so-called freebanders, for the most 
part actually don't cause much interference to legitimate users of the 
nearby spectrum.

The real garbage comes from the high-power clowns in the original 23/40 
channel CB band. You know the ones, with the "mono-band" amps with no 
filtering that thrash and trash the entire 25-30 MHz spectrum when they 
go to the "shootout".

Yeah, those guys. I'd rather have ten "freebanders" using converted ham 
gear living in my neighborhood than one of these trashy Alpha-hotels!

So, yeah, the original argument that the refugees from CB can be good 
Amateur operators is a bit weak when they bring their bad habits with 
them. The real problem that I see is that the refugees are beginning to 
out-number the original inhabitant's on our ham bands.

It is not too distant a time where the "first personal" 10-4, etc crap 
will be considered normal...

That's the point where I for one will find another hobby.

Can't wait until sunspots re-appear and ten meters really opens up... 
What a circus we're going to see then...

73 Gary

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