[Amps] A few nice ones on Ebay

Jim Thomson Jim.thom at telus.net
Sat Apr 10 01:57:17 PDT 2010

Date: Fri, 9 Apr 2010 23:14:45 -0400
From: Jeff Carter <amps at hidden-valley.com>
Subject: Re: [Amps] A few nice ones on Ebay
To: amps at contesting.com

Respectfully, I must point out that your analogy breaks down at the
point where it isn't illegal to stuff a Hemi into a Mini.

I seem to recall a time when 11m was limited to 4 Watts.  The FCC used
to enforce the rules on this.

##  You mean they used to waste  resources and taxpayers $$. 
25 w into a GP is a no-no.     But 4 W  into a 7 -el yagi is..'ok' 

  To use one's technical abilities to openly and blatantly violate the law
casts a bad light on us all, at least potentially.

##  Correct.  Much better  to put up stacked yagi's.. and get
15-30 kw ERP.. amounts to the same thing... except you can
now hear better. 

Holding ourselves to a higher standard surely must start at observing
communications law, whether it's enforced or not.  Anarchy is the end
result if we do not.

## Anarchy ?    Quick, start buying Rohn -65G.

Jim   VE7RF


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