[Amps] Vac relay sequencing.. [WAS contact bounce]

Bill, W6WRT dezrat1242 at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 4 08:55:26 PDT 2010


On Sun, 4 Apr 2010 07:11:37 -0700, "Jim Thomson" <Jim.thom at telus.net>

>Sri  for the  diatribe, but I have  extensive experience  using the RJ-2  and  RJ-6  vac relays.   Your  RJ-6, as configured above,  will  last 25 x million operations.... per jennings. 


Be careful using the Jennings SPDT relays on 10 meters.  They are
barely adequate for legal limit on 10.  Most of them are  rated for
only 10 amps continuous carry current at 32 MHz. The one exception  is
rated at 12 amps. Many of the smaller ones are rated for only 2 or 5
amps at 32 MHz.

For the Jennings data sheet, go to:  http://www.jenningstech.com
then click on RELAYS, then select theSPDT from the "Choose Category"

If you have less than 2:1 SWR on 10 you should be ok, but with 2:1 you
will be slightly over the edge if your coax is at a current node. Not
a show-stopper necessarily, just something to keep in mind.

73, Bill W6WRT

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