[Amps] SB220 SICK...RELAY
TexasRF at aol.com
TexasRF at aol.com
Thu Apr 8 05:47:50 PDT 2010
Roger and all, re: Chinese vacuum relays:
I have purchased a couple of these from Gigavac in the last year. I have to
say that they work great and look great. I would buy more as needed
without hesitation.
If you let them know it for ham radio use, you get a big discount in price.
The last one I purchased was rated for about 20kv and 25 A cost about
$150. I have seen old (and leaky vacuum) relays on Ebay for more $$.
You can get exactly what you need, hot switch, not hot switch, mounting
arrangement, coil voltage, n/o, n/c, double throw so no need to improvise the
circuit to fit what you find surplus or used. The sales rep will find the
needed version in a flash and take your credit card order in two flashes.
Gerald K5GW
In a message dated 4/7/2010 9:28:30 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
sub1 at rogerhalstead.com writes:
JayKay wrote:
> Thanks to all for your inputs. I am going to try cleaning the relay
contacts and watch alignment, etc.
> If I can't get it going (contacts beyond repair), I would like to
replace the relay but a quick Google shows the KA-3702 relay by PB doesn't exist.
Go to Mouser and try to find a how ever many pole relay with the same
ratings and pin out. You might not be able to find a direct pin for pin
replacement, but that's better than having to rig up something. If
you're a CW op this would be a good opportunity to go QSK. However It's
really difficult to find any suitable US made vacuum relays any more.
Word is that many now say "made in China". I'd probably go for some of
the Russian surplus vacuum relays.
Roger (K8RI)
> My thinking is to grab the 120VDC present in the rig and regulate it
down to 5VDC or 12VDC (once I know the resistance of the coil) and then get a
10 amp 3PDT relay. It will also make it easier to interface with newer rigs
that don't like 120V switched to ground through their internal relays.
> I could use a series resistor (with the R of the coil) to step it down
but I don't want to hot switch 120V (at T = 0) to any external relays
> 1) Anyone have the KA-3702 relay or a source?
> 2) Additional comments?
> 3) Relay recommendations?
> Thanks
> Jay
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