[Amps] HV lytic max V ratings..some notes.

Carl km1h at jeremy.mv.com
Sun Apr 11 10:40:21 PDT 2010

I dont follow that logic at all. Most owners that I knew operated both modes 
so memory never took place as its not a short term issue.

Many also operated both modes in the SSB position. Lets not get on the 
legality high horse either.

It "may" explain the somewhat high failure rate of the earliest cap vendor 
if a dedicated CW op sold the amp to a slop bucketeer. Later caps didnt 
appear to have the problem.


> Hmmm ... would this mean that the SB-220 and similar amps of that era 
> should all have blown up by now (since we mostly run them on the SSB 
> setting now?
> 73, Pete N4ZR
> The World Contest Station Database, updated daily at 
> www.conteststations.com
> The Reverse Beacon Network at http://reversebeacon.net, blog at 
> reversebeacon.blogspot.com
> On 4/10/2010 9:51 AM, Carl wrote:
>> I dont know if it still holds with some caps but they used to have a 
>> memory.
>> IOW if run for a long spell (weeks, months) at say 60% of ratings and 
>> then
>> run at max they had a tendency to fail.

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