[Amps] contaminated V.O.Stokes book

Roger sub1 at rogerhalstead.com
Fri Apr 30 19:55:36 PDT 2010

James Colville wrote:
> An ionizer type of air filter/cleaner works wonders too! There used to get
> the smell out of hotel rooms, houses and cars.
AND wipe out most of the HF bands in the area as well.  Some of them 
really are bad.


Roger (K8RI)
> Used mine several times to get the smoke smell out of radios and their
> boxes.
> 73
> Jim W7RY
> On Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 12:21 PM, John Lyles <jtml at losalamos.com> wrote:
>> Thanks, all, for your advice. I tried a simple approach last night, I
>> zipped the Stokes transmitter book in a large baggie with a quantity of
>> sodium bicarbonate, and changed it once with fresh powder, overnight. The
>> book lacks the musty smell now.
>> Now I can read it without feeling like I am in a damp basement - in dry New
>> Mexico.
>> 73
>> John
>> K5PRO
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