[Amps] Hmmmm...Legal limit boiled the oil in the cantena

donroden at hiwaay.net donroden at hiwaay.net
Mon Apr 5 20:09:02 PDT 2010

peanut compared to some of the 11 METER MOBILE amps I have seen

How bout a 4CX15,000 powered by four 200 amp alternators in a Suburban
with a big block 454.

I saw that one in Memphis several years ago... it came in third in a  
field strength test at 100 yards.

The drive belts were slipping and smoking when the nitrous oxide kicked in.


Quoting "Hardy Landskov" <n7rt at cox.net>:

> Wow. I would be afraid the fire that one up. It looks like the plate vac
> variable and coil are at plate DC + and the blocking cap is after the coil.
> That means the vac variable has to withstand the initial DC plus whatever
> the plate is swinging. Now the RF Choke is so big that it has to be
> capacitive in value which is not good in my opinion.
> The rest of the amp looks like it was manufactured by a professional company
> and someone got in there with a pair of wire cutters, hack saw, and other
> tools
> and wanted to score big on CB.
> My 2 cents...
> 73 N7RT
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Roger" <sub1 at rogerhalstead.com>
> To: <amps at hidden-valley.com>
> Cc: <amps at contesting.com>
> Sent: Monday, April 05, 2010 5:25 PM
> Subject: Re: [Amps] Hmmmm...Legal limit boiled the oil in the cantena
>> Jeff Carter wrote:
>>> My favorite part was the following line:
>>> "I hold a general class ticket so please buy with confidence."
>> I had one of those wayyyy back in 61, of course back then you had the
>> choice of Novice or General. Anything else mean you'd been around a
>> longggg time.
>>> I never held a General ticket (went straight to Extra),
>> Just listen to the magic from them on 3.895 <:-))
>>>  so maybe
>>> there's some magic in the General Class ticket that makes one
>>> instantly trustworthy and I just missed out on it.
>> To me they were all magic although I have to admit I was probably the
>> most active as a Novice and as Advanced. I had a long stretch starting
>> around 1980 where I was seldom on the air.
>> OTOH I've been on the air more in the last week since the new amp
>> arrived using nothing but center fed sloping half wave dipoles on 75 and
>> 40.  None of the big antennas are hooked up. AND to top it off, today I
>> discovered a really strong, broad signal moving around roughly between
>> 7.145 and 7.158. It's running 20 to 30 over 9 and about 15 KHz wide at
>> the 3db points.
>> "I think" it's one of those "plug your phone into your computer" setups
>> which are gaining a reputation for terrible RFI, but I'm going to have
>> to get the local RFI group to help hunt it down. One of those things can
>> be 20 over 9 from a block away. I know it's louder on the sloper than on
>> the vertical.
>> At any rate, with the warm weather I tried my first climb and made it to
>> 70 feet (with full body harness and fall arrest gear) before deciding to
>> call it a day. I didn't have my work boots (with steel shanks)  on and
>> these shoes have very deep groves in the soles which makes it more work
>> to climb, but if I can give it a try about 3 times a week I should make
>> it to the top and be able to stay long enough to get something useful
>> done.
>> Well, time to get on the phone and start hunting.
>> 73
>> Roger (K8RI)
>>> Jeff/KD4RBG
>>> On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 5:39 PM, Roger <sub1 at rogerhalstead.com> wrote:
>>>> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=140396998669&ssPageName=ADME:B:SS:US:1123
>>>> Hmmm
>>>> 73
>>>> Roger (K8RI)
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