[Amps] Alpha 87A was humming along nicely when...

Dick Green WC1M wc1m73 at gmail.com
Sat Apr 10 22:40:08 PDT 2010

Did you see a hard fault code displayed when the amp was restarted? If not,
you should dump the hard and soft fault tables using the RS-232 interface.
The information there may be helpful.

My guess would be a tube arc, but that's just a guess.

73, Dick WC1M

> -----Original Message-----
> From: WA3GIN [mailto:wa3gin at comcast.net]
> Sent: Saturday, April 10, 2010 7:41 PM
> To: AMPS
> Subject: [Amps] Alpha 87A was humming along nicely when...
> ...both 20amp fuses opened; while in QSO on 75m; antenna SWR 1:1; grid
> current 35ma; all normal.
> Anyone want to venture a guess wahappened?  Please respond direct.  Maybe
> time for a new amp!
> Best,
> dave
> wa3gin

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