[Amps] Grounded grid matching circuit

Mike Lucas W5CHR at Bellsouth.net
Fri Apr 16 19:09:38 PDT 2010

On 4/16/2010 8:44 PM, k7fm wrote:
> Well, you can have a broadband input - well sort of.
> Assuming you have excess driver power, you could dissipate the extra 
> power in a swamping resistor.  Determine how much power is to be 
> absorbed by the swamping resistor.  Then, since you know the input 
> load and load of the amplifier tubes, you will use an unun to match 
> impedances and also provide a low impedance load for the final cathode.
> Then you will also not have to worry about overdriving the final tube 
> and relying on ALC.
> 73,  Colin  K7FM
    Colin: Drive power is 100 watts to a 4PR1000 with 5000v on the 
anode. I (think) it will make near legal limit output
    with a 200 ohm resistor and a 4:1 unun. Will such an input screw up 
the IMD without a tuned circuit,
    or is a QRP signal (<1500W) unlikely to be noticed on 160 or 75M? I 
don't mind experimenting, but I HATE
    loud, expensive noises!

    Mike W5CHR

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