[Amps] Indirectly heated cathodes
Jim Thomson
Jim.thom at telus.net
Sun Apr 4 07:33:43 PDT 2010
Date: Sun, 4 Apr 2010 00:41:01 +0200
From: "DF3KV" <df3kv at t-online.de>
Subject: Re: [Amps] Indirectly heated cathodes
For the YL105x family of tubes the manufacture suggests to heat it
permanently at 3.5V.
The nominal heater voltage is 3.8V.
The heater voltage of the 4CX10000D in the Racal amps in stand by is heated
at 6.9V.
## You can operate a 4CX-10,000D @ 6.375 vac on TX, never mind standby.
The procedure we use on the 3x3 and YU-148 tubes, also directly heated,
is to pulse tune em, then reduce the fil V, till power output JUST starts to drop
off by a few watts, then INCREASE fil V by .1 vac. IE: find the.. 'knee'.
Eimac told me a few yrs back, that you can easily operate a 4x5 at 85% or less
of rated fil V. However, you don't want to go much more than a 15% fil redux,
whether it's normal operate TX mode.... or standby.. 'dark heat mode' .
I use a sola constant voltage xfmr [1% reg] to run the variac.. that in turn
feeds the fil xfmr pri.
One of the big disadvantages of the indirectly heated cathode is it's
warm-up time. has anyone experimented with using a lower "keep
alive" voltage to allow faster warm-up when full voltage is applied?
I remember the old TV sets where a diode was in series with the
filament supply and was shorted out when the set was turned on.
Is there an easy way to determine when the cathode is up to temp?
73, Roger
## dunno abt Indirectly heated tubes. I don't think you can drop the V very much ['dark heat']
I believe, even if that's done... you still have to wait XXX minutes, which might be slightly less than
the normal 3 mins. I believe there is a very narrow window for fil v on INdirectly heated tubes.
Too low, and you contaminate the fil. Although the YC-156 has a 6 min warm up, Eimac tell's
me to use 8 mins.
later... Jim VE7RF
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