[Amps] Commander-2000 issues

Bob KD7YZ kd7yz at denstarfarm.us
Tue Apr 27 11:52:08 PDT 2010

Roger said the following, On 4/27/2010 2:20 PM:

> You apparently have something heating but it may not be in the amp.

can be .. I know that the top of the case over the tubes gets a little
feisty when I am trying to run legal limit on FSK ...it's alright with
SSB and CW at these levels.

I ran it thru the paces before trying sustained operating. I wrote don a
chart of tuning settings and readings. These stay true to form and are
repeatable when I tune up. It's when I run FSK or KT65 for several one
minute sequences that the case gets warm and the power falls off.

I'll check the 240 plug fwiw to see if it's too hot.

The input is steady from the FT-950. The SWR on the output side of Amp
is nearly 1.1:1 and reds that way throughout. If I just stay at 1000 on
FSK (for example) I see no degradation. Though I haven't tried that for
say 45 minutes.

So you guys are saying that you already run JT65a sequences for much
longer than I do and you see no issues?

me bad then cuz I'm clearly causing it here.

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