[Amps] LCR Meter

Bill, W6WRT dezrat1242 at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 3 14:42:16 PDT 2010


On Sat, 3 Apr 2010 06:02:15 -0700, "Jim Thomson" <Jim.thom at telus.net>

> If you are using a low frequency C-meter such as the AADE unit, disconnect the plate
>choke lest it throw the C measurement off. 
>##  here I disagree.  The  effect of the plate choke is ALREADY factored in ..on the 
>spread sheet.   My 200 uh plate choke  will..'eat'  40  pf  from my Tune cap on 160m.
>That effect can be seen right away, when plate choke removed.  With  choke removed,
>the tune cap has to be REDUCED in value by exactly 40 pf.  Change the value of the
>plate choke on the spread sheet, and you will see the effects on the value of the
>tune cap asap.   Huge difference  between 20uh, 200 uh.. and 99999 uh. [ 160m]


If you are using a low frequency C meter, the plate choke will be
pretty close to a short and will not contribute the reactance it will
at the operating frequency. If you are doing the procedure at the
operating frequency, no problem. In fact, better.

73, Bill W6WRT

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