[Amps] Hmmmm...Legal limit boiled the oil in the cantena
km1h at jeremy.mv.com
Wed Apr 7 05:17:09 PDT 2010
Yep they spend a lot of money but heck, welfare checks, SSI fraud and
selling drugs helps pay for the fun (-;
Some even have real and well paying jobs and a few make big bucks building
amps for others and they are not afraid to pay for the parts they want. Go
to Dayton or any large hamfest and they are always buying QRO part......with
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Thomson" <Jim.thom at telus.net>
To: <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2010 7:45 AM
Subject: [Amps] Hmmmm...Legal limit boiled the oil in the cantena
> Date: Tue, 06 Apr 2010 19:50:25 -0400
> From: Roger <sub1 at rogerhalstead.com>
> Subject: Re: [Amps] Hmmmm...Legal limit boiled the oil in the cantena
> It's all for show. They don't need near that HP to run them, they don't
> need nitrous oxide. More than likely the crank broke from the
> acceleration and extra power from the nitrous oxide.
> ## with a 350 V-8... You either use a steel forged crankshaft
> or a 454... take your pick. A stock 350 crank will eventually break.
> Figure the
> monstrous SWR from a mobile antenna being fed 75000 watts.
> ## what SWR ? There isn't any. The connectors would flash
> over if there was any amount of swr.
> It'd look
> like a lightning generator. But it's unlikely they can do better than
> 50% efficient with the setups.
> ## the monoband Rf decks are a lot more than 50% eff. They
> have the ants down to a fine art.
> So given 150 KW input they need 201 hp
> plus change.
> ## On the last gen set install at work, a few yrs back, the
> power eng tells me the fan blades, used to cool the rad,
> ate up 65 hp alone... and that was not a big gen set.
> The lousy power factor + harmonics from the HV power
> supply are hard on any gen set.
> ## a typ 60 kva gen set would use a 120 hp diesel motor,
> no turbo, and 410 cu inch displacement.
> Given the generators are not 100% efficient AND the output
> frequency will change with RPM who knows what they get out of them.
> ## The 4x15 will require 10 kv @ 6A.. and that's just for one tube.
> These 11m ops will increase the fil V by 5-9%, to get more emission
> from them. After the 10 sec shoot out, the fil v is quickly reduced.
> ## some of em used a special 3 phase plate xfmr. [dahl built some of
> them]
> Some used train locomotive generators. Single rotor, dual stator, 1000A
> per
> stator.
> ## apparently, the prize money can be well over $25K+ on weekends,
> I dunno who bank rolls all this. Sure, they are nuts.. but they are
> having
> ..'fun'... and keeping the tube rebuilders in business. Just trying to
> generate
> the power in the 1st place would be 90% of the tech problem. .
> Jim VE7RF
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