[Amps] vacuum relay problem

Felipe Ceglia felipeceglia2 at gmail.com
Mon Aug 30 18:51:45 PDT 2010

Hi folks,

I plugged my old scope into the relays and rig, and here is the
picture I got from its screen:


Upper trace is 9v battery across relay.

Lower trace is RF from ft1000d, 160m, lowest possible power.

Radio was in full break in mode, with its keyer sending dits at
highest possible speed.

Seems like the timing is pretty ok, isnt it? The slow discharge on
upper trace is probably because I have the tank and antenna plugged in
on the relay.

So, probably I had the bad luck of getting a bad relay...

73 tu,

Felipe - PY1NB
2010/8/29 Felipe Ceglia <felipeceglia2 at gmail.com>:
> Hi Han,
> I am thinking about adding something to do that on my amp. Maybe
> adapting G3SEK's double relay seuquencer, or some solid state circuit.
> I will try to look for hot switching tomorrow.
> 73 & thank you for your replies,
> Felipe - PY1NB
> 2010/8/29 Han Higasa <higasa at plum.ocn.ne.jp>:
>> Hi Felipe and Paul
>> I am also using RJ1 and HC1 in my amp(s).
>> If the antenna relays would be melted and welded
>> to NO position for twice, you would better check
>> your amp's spurious oscillation at the end of TX, or
>> a timing of on/off of antenna relay relative to the amp
>> and transceiver. A sequence
>> Transceiver TX - Ant relay TX - Amp TX -
>> Transceiver CW out - CW end - Amp off -
>> Ant relay off
>> is ideal, but sometimes ant relay will be off before
>> CW carrier is on. In this case RF energy may
>> cause arc, melt, or welded terminals.
>> I am not using a full break-in, but I have a
>> delay in a block-bias of my HPA to avoid
>> a damage of antenna relay.
>> de Han JE1BMJ
> --
> Felipe Ceglia - PY1NB
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> PR1T team member /// Rio DX Group member /// Araucaria DX Group member
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Felipe Ceglia - PY1NB
PR1T team member /// Rio DX Group member /// Araucaria DX Group member
http://www.dxwatch.com /// http://reversebeacon.net ///

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