[Amps] Homebrew Amps

jonathan white jonathan.white20 at btinternet.com
Mon Feb 1 01:59:08 PST 2010

Here is my slant  on this thread.
 For the last 10yrs I have been slowly collecting bits for an amp. I  
would have liked to have got my hands on an old  SB200  or similar but 
in UK are rarer than hens teeth ,also  I have been plagued by an illness 
that they thought was  bipolar and now its got worse ,its epilepsy  due 
to me getting whooping cough as a baby,so periods of no work then all my 
money went to pay of bills.So patience is a virtue.and now  as I can no 
longer work ,I am home brewing a pair of good old 813`s in gg.
Might not look pretty,but it will be all mine.Due to our 400 w pep limit 
2, 813`s will do fine.
I get the HV bits from Dr Alex when I can afford them.and my illness 
lets me get out to do it.
BUT I still yearn a good old SB200/SB210,they just looked so as they 
say,... cool.
                                                                  Jon G8CCL

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