[Amps] Does anyone have a HiPot tester they would like to 'rent'??

Robert Groh rgroh at swbell.net
Sat Jan 9 07:50:43 PST 2010

I have a bit of a 'chicken or the egg' problem. I have 2 vacuum variables I would like to sell but everyone, myself included, would like to know if they will still handle HV.  I don't have a HiPot tester so either I sell them really cheap or the buyer takes a risk (or both!).

I have considered building a simple HiPot tester (several have been outlined on this forum in the last couple of years) but spending the money is a bit off-putting. 

I have considered purchased a used one from Ebay (or equivalent) but that is a bit of a pain.  And not inexpensive for a one-time use.

So I thought maybe someone might have a small (so it is easy to mail back and forth), little HiPot tester that they could 'rent' me for a couple of days. 

Or maybe I could go ahead, build one, use it and then turn around and sell it. 


Thanks for your time.

Bob Groh, WA2CKY

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