[Amps] which HV connector to use?

Paul Christensen w9ac at arrl.net
Tue Jan 12 20:18:09 PST 2010

> The Millen has a known history of flashing to a metal mounting at 5Kv once
> they have absorbed sufficient moisture even in clean holes. I quit selling
> them due to failures and complaints.

The Johnson Components Nylon "tip jacks" as used in the Alpha 70A/70V/77 are 
no better.  A tip jack/plug combination was designed by Alpha to quickly 
separate the RF compartment from the PS.  Although they're rated at 5.7KVDC, 
I've had two fail and finding the problem the first time around was not an 
enjoyable exercise.  It was intermittent, then slowly worsened.  Later Alpha 
models just brought the Silicone HV wire through a grommeted hole in the 
chassis and eliminated the jack/plug quick-disconnect.

I ended up replacing the jack in my 70V with a back-to-back glazed ceramic 
beehive insulator, filled with Silicone RTV.  Photos here:


The best detailed photo is the 9th from the top.  No arcing problems since 
the change 12 years ago.

Paul, W9AC

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