[Amps] Millen red /black HV connector's.

Jim Thomson Jim.thom at telus.net
Wed Jan 13 02:44:53 PST 2010

From: "k7rdx" <k7rdx at charter.net>
Sent: Tuesday, January 12, 2010 8:34 PM
To: "Jim Thomson" <Jim.thom at telus.net>; <Amps at contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [Amps] Millen  red /black HV connector's.

> Jim..IT`S NOT IF INSIDE OR OUT MOUNTING!IT`S how you prep the hole!Punch 
> the hole large enough so the screw cap fits inside the hole itself...This 
> barely leaves enough metal for the two small screws but it works..Finish 
> the hole with fine emory paper and then polish with a decent metal 
> polish..Clean the residue from the metal and mount the Millen connector 
> with non-metallic screws...I run 6.4kv on my YC-156 and the hv is turned 
> on for several hrs at a time with no surprises..There`s lot`s of ways to 
> get hv into the deck and I`m sure everyone has their own favorite way.. 
> Take care all..Jim..K7RDX..

###  sure, that will  work... BUT, if I have it correct, you end up with one 
heck of
a large hole in the rear apron.... plus you still require NON-METALLIC 
[like nylon, etc].   In my case, the +6900 vdc  arced to the threads of the
SS machine screws.  [Female 1/2  of millen, mounted on inside].  If nylon 
screws are used
instead, then nothing to arc to.... which is what I ended up doing.  Only 
thing left to arc
to would be the bare AL rear wall... [ from the inside].  Even that can be 
solved, simply by
installing a small, thin, rectangular sheet of Teflon sheeting [ with a hole 
in the center]...1ST,
 then  the female millen.  The entire mess installed on the inside.   Then 
the B+  would have to jump
2"  to reach bare metal  al rear wall.

##  I was fortunate our local plastic shop had loads of scrap Teflon 
sheeting.. aprx  1/32"  thick.

## I still think it's a Fubar designed HV connector.

later... Jim  VE7RF


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