[Amps] Amps for sale...maybe

Alek Petkovic vk6apk at bigpond.com
Sun Jan 17 00:14:23 PST 2010

Had my Emtron DX2 (4cx1600 version) for 10 years now. Puts out full 
power and has never, ever, given a moment's trouble.

At the time I bought the amp, it was the flagship of the range. Last 
time I spoke with the manufacturer, he said that he would be ashamed 
to put that amp into the marketplace today. In other words, many 
improvements have been made to the product/s over the last 10 years.

With the last 10 years of experience with the DX2 behind me, I would 
not hesitate to buy Emtron again, should the desire or need ever arise.

Others on this forum will of course have views and experience/s 
different to mine but that's ok. We are all different so our needs will vary.

73, Alek

At 01:25 PM 17/01/2010, Roger wrote:
>Although I like the old Alpha 76A and love the way the Tokyo Hy-Power
>HL1.5Kfx works, I've been looking at the Emtron HF amps and the new
>6-meter amp coming up.
>I also have a project under way that is in the parts collecting stage so
>far that'll use a pair of FU728B's. I think I was mistakenly calling
>them FU728F's if the international mail ever gets them here.
>At any rate, I think the 76A and 1.5Kfx are going on the block and will
>be replaced with the two Emtron amps.
>I think I asked about them before, but I'm looking for input on the
>Emtrons. No, the RS4 and RS5 are a bit much and besides, I'd need to run
>in 3 phase for the 5<:-)) They're also way to heavy.  That and I
>couldn't afford the property settlement that would ensue. But if you
>like tubes with handles...
>So again I'm looking for input on the Emtron amps and is any one
>interested in the 76A and/or the 1.5 Kfx. the 1.5Kfx is a solid state
>amp with 1000 watts CW and PEP out 160 through 10 and about 800 (or a
>tad more) on 6-meters with auto band switching, but it likes a low SWR.
>Roger (K8RI)
>Amps mailing list
>Amps at contesting.com
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 From sunny Binningup, Western Australia


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