[Amps] External QSK

Gary Smith Gary at ka1j.com
Thu Jan 21 09:03:53 PST 2010


I'd like to add QSK to my AL-1500. My rig is a K3.

The Ameritron QSK-5 uses PIN diodes which would be perfectly silent 
but I don't use a tuner anymore as my antennae are cut close enough 
that the amp has no problem but the pin diodes in the QSK-5 won't 
handle anything but kid gloves SWR.

Array solutions sells the QSK master but it's too pricey at this 
moment and I understand they are no longer using the vacuum relays in 

Anyone know of a good schematic I can get ahold of to make an 
outboard QSK unit using Vac relays?

I do have an old Johnson tube T/R but can't see how that would be of 



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