[Amps] Source for large purchase of toroids?

Ian White GM3SEK gm3sek at ifwtech.co.uk
Tue Jan 26 12:03:36 PST 2010

Jim Barber wrote:
>Since we're on the topic, I've seen references to Fair-Rite #31 toriod 
>cores in various places, but haven't been able to find any in their 
>catalog. Do they actually exist in the wild? Beads abound, but it would 
>be nice to be able to build high-impedance chokes in less than several 
>straight feet of cable.

Fair-Rite seems to list all #31 cores as "suppression beads". Check the 
Fair-Rite part numbers in Jim's articles, and then use those numbers to 
search the Mouser and Newark catalogs.


73 from Ian GM3SEK

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