[Amps] 6C21

Carl km1h at jeremy.mv.com
Fri Jan 29 11:25:00 PST 2010

>From what I remember reading of some Machlett (the actual designer) 6C21 
data decades ago it can be considered a cross between an Eimac 450 and 750 
with a static Pd capability of around 600W.  While not a complete answer its 
filament power does fall between the two. I dont remember the ampification 
factor. The 6C21 filament is 8.2V @ 18.8A while the 450 is a more modest 
7.5V @ 12A.

In the early 60's I visited a few stations running a single 6C21 on 20M CW 
and AM at close to 6KV.  One rather famous ham ran a pair on 75 SSB with 
7500V for years with a 30L1 driver....this was before IMD became important 


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Barrie Smith" <barrie at centric.net>
To: <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Friday, January 29, 2010 1:45 PM
Subject: [Amps] 6C21

> Carl & Roger:
> I'm really not arguing with you here.  However, comparing a 6C21 to a 750T
> runs contrary to what I know about the tubes.
> An older, local ham gave me a NIB pair of 6C21s about 25 years ago.  In 
> the
> early 1990s I built a push-pull transmitter using the pair; modulated by a
> pair of 304TLs.
> I used a data-sheet written by Bill Orr when he still worked for Eimac. 
> It
> clearly states that the 6C21 is comparable to the 450T series of tubes.
> 450 watt PD in CW and 300 watt PD in AM phone.
> After reading your recent posts I thought I may have missed something, so 
> I
> went into the basement and compared a 6C21 to a 450TH.  The 6C21 has a
> sturdier grid lead and a chrome plated base.  Other than that, I see no
> differences between the two tubes.
> The anode is certainly no larger or snmaller in either tube.  The base and
> socket are the same.  The physical dimensions are the same.  Filament
> voltage and current (according to the Bill Orr spec sheet) are the same.
> So?
> 73, Barrie, W7ALW
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