[Amps] Good amp to buy maybe build?

Bill K2OWR k2owr at comcast.net
Fri Jan 29 12:28:29 PST 2010

::::: Excellent idea Bill!
That is surely a problem for many would be constructors.
FYI, checkout W7DS website which has a LOT of good amplifier goodies to help 
with such a project.
There may be others.....folks??


> It occurred to me that it is too bad that some ham with a metal shop does 
> not offer a sort of "generic" box for hams who wish to build amplifiers.
> Maybe it would be a big box.  Perhaps a big hole for a 4-1000A or 3-1000Z 
> or a hole that a plate can cover to accommodate various sockets. I suspect 
> that there are  hams out there that will pay the $ but just don't have the 
> time and/or skills to deal with the sheet metal. Part of the problem with 
> hams as with most people is getting started on a big project. Having this 
> frame work to put parts into as you get them could help and get more 
> people (hams) interested in building amplifiers. I see a down side with 
> most of us getting older. And that is that perhaps builders are getting 
> completed or near completed projects from estate sales and ebay. This 
> perhaps competes with such a venture.
>   I have seen some offerings for parts for UHF amplifiers. But those 
> projects are much more specific and require much machine work.
> 73
> Bill wa4lav
> ________________________________________
> From: amps-bounces at contesting.com [amps-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf 
> Of Phil LaMarche [plamarc1 at verizon.net]
> Sent: Friday, January 29, 2010 2:56 PM
> To: lists at subich.com; 'Bill K2OWR'; 'Lee Buller'
> Cc: amps at contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [Amps] Good amp to buy
> Very interesting thread...Thank you!
> Philip LaMarche
> LaMarche Enterprises, Inc.
> www.w9dvm.com
> 727-944-3226
> FAX 727-937-8834
> K3  #1605
> CCA 98  00827
> CRA 1701
> -----Original Message-----
> From: amps-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:amps-bounces at contesting.com] On
> Behalf Of Joe Subich, W4TV
> Sent: Friday, January 29, 2010 2:53 PM
> To: 'Bill K2OWR'; 'Lee Buller'
> Cc: amps at contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [Amps] Good amp to buy
>> I have never heard anyone say that the AL82 was prone to failure, or
>> that the components were delicate or hard to find. In my opinion an
>> amp like this, bult like a battleship, if run even a little
>> conservatively, will serve one for many more years, without failure
>> than amps like the SB220, TL922, or the others, all of which are
>> underdesigned with components stressed close to their limits.
> There is a HUGE difference between the design of the AL-82 and the SB-220,
> TL-922, L-4B, etc.  The AL-82 was designed in a regulatory environment 
> with
> 1500 W PEP output (about 2300 W DC
> input) while the SB-220, TL-922, L-4B, etc. were designed in an era where
> the legal limit was 1000 W DC input.  The older amps weren't "under
> designed" - they were designed for the rules in effect at the time with a
> reasonable safety factor as
> shown by the amount of "abuse" they regularly survive.
> The difference represents 50% more plate dissipation (heat), significantly
> more stress on the band switch and plate choke, greater energy stored in 
> the
> filter capacitors, and higher fault currents.
> Any user who regularly pushes the older amplifiers to 1500 W is courting
> catastrophic failure.  Will some amps let the user get away with abuse -
> yes.  I'd stack the L4B up against any of the "modern" amps (particularly
> with some modern fixes like a faster T/R relay and low voltage PTT line) 
> but
> 1500 W is still pushing the limits for devices designed for operation at
> 1000 W DC.
> 73,
>   ... Joe, W4TV
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: amps-bounces at contesting.com
>> [mailto:amps-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Bill K2OWR
>> Sent: Friday, January 29, 2010 2:19 PM
>> To: Lee Buller
>> Cc: amps at contesting.com
>> Subject: Re: [Amps] Good amp to buy
>> :::: Thanks for understanding Lee.
>> I have never heard anyone say that the AL82 was prone to failure, or
>> that the components were delicate or hard to find. In my opinion an
>> amp like this, bult like a battleship, if run even a little
>> conservatively, will serve one for many more years, without failure
>> than amps like the SB220, TL922, or the others, all of which are
>> underdesigned with components stressed close to their limits.
>> BTW, none of those are made any longer, nor have they been for many
>> years.
>> My AL82 is 20 years old now and I expect will likely outlive me.
>> Oh, and if you're a contester and can't fix your own amp, stick to the
>> 811, or 572B type amps....all solid designs!
>> BILL K2OWR.....I'm gonna pay for my words, I know:-(
>> > Bill
>> >
>> > I too like the AL-82 and have not trouble with mine.  But,
>> I run mine
>> > in
>> > conservative mode and not full throttle.  Nice amp, but
>> like all amps they
>> > need to be tuned properly.  The QRO-2000 is a nice amp too,
>> but I don't
>> > think he makes many of them anymore.
>> >
>> > I do like the 3-500Z bottles for cost.
>> >
>> > Lee - K0WA
>> >
>> > In our day and age it seems that Common Sense is in short
>> supply.  If
>> > you
>> > don't have any Common Sense - get some Common Sense and use
>> it.  If you
>> > can't find any Common Sense, ask for help from somebody who
>> has some
>> > Common Sense.  Is Common Sense divine?
>> >
>> > Common Sense is the image of the Creator expressing
>> revealed truth in
>> > my
>> > mind. -  J. Wolf
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >> "... I'd like to weigh in on this.....
>> > The Ameritron AL82 seems to me to be the most rugged and powerful
>> > amplifier in the twin 3-500Z class.
>> > The power supply alone makes all the others seem puny and
>> the output is
>> > higher than all others in this class.
>> > They can be had for as little as $1200 used and are truly a
>> contesters
>> > dream
>> > amplifier.
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