[Amps] Plate Choke Resonances

Larry Benko xxw0qe at comcast.net
Sun Jan 31 08:33:56 PST 2010

Let's talk about facts and not experiences or memories!

1.) Every reasonably complex electronic product designed is simulated 
2.) Simulation software is extremely accurate if the actual circuit 
built (including strays etc,) is included and if the models of the parts 
are correct
3.) Vacuum tubes are devices that can be modeled
4.) A parallel resonant circuit (such as the plate choke) can have 
increased current flowing in it at the resonant frequency based on the 
loaded Q of the circuit
5.) To simulate the plate choke properly might need several inductors 
and distributed capacitors

I still believe that the loaded Q in the plate choke is not that high 
and consequently the increase in current in the plate choke is not that 
much and that serial resonances are what we need to be concerned with.  
This forum should be about increasing knowledge rather than telling 
people how they just never experienced some magical event that is too 
complicated to simulate.

Larry, W0QE

Bill, W6WRT wrote:
> On Sun, 31 Jan 2010 00:11:50 -0700, Larry Benko <xxw0qe at comcast.net>
> wrote:
>> Come on Bill.  No weasel words like "Tesla Effect".  That doesn't prove 
>> anything at all.  Just describe a schematic showing what you are 
>> claiming with values and I will be glad to simulate it.  I certainly 
>> don't mind being wrong especially if I learn something in the process.  
> It seems to me that you have never actually experienced the Tesla
> Effect in a real circuit. If you had, you would never question it. I
> think you are putting way too much faith in the ability of your
> simulation software. 
> You need to test your simulation software and see if it duplicates
> real world behavior. If it can not simulate the Tesla Effect, I would
> not use it for designing amplifiers with resonant plate circuits. 
> 73, Bill W6WRT
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