[Amps] Salt water dummy loads

David Cutter d.cutter at ntlworld.com
Fri Jul 16 10:48:26 PDT 2010

Ooops, that should read minus 1.25 to minus 1.5C, sorry about that.


> Sea water freezes around 1.25 to 1.5C depending on depth and is about 5%
> "salt" if I remember rightly, ie much more than your dummy load which will
> still freeze at about the same as tap water.  It will grow algae unless 
> you
> put something in it, but that will alter the resistance, so do that first.
> Keep it cool and in the dark and that will slow the growth.  I suggest a
> dark container, not clear glass.  This is from my experience in the 
> vending
> trade, I'm not a chemist.
> Since the electrodes are passing ac, not dc, I'm guessing that on each 
> half
> cycle there will be recombination.  It's cheap enough to replace the water
> and electrodes at regular intervals, just keep checking the swr I suppose
> and don't run it too hot.
> David

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