[Amps] HP23 Heath Power Supply

Glen Zook gzook at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 1 09:22:04 PST 2010

Methinks he means the HP-24, not the HP-23 series.  The HP-23 series is used with the SB-10X and HW-10X transceivers and definitely will not run a linear amplifier.  The HP-24 was designed to run the HA-14 which was basically the SB-200 minus the power supply.  Both units are pretty scarce.

There also was the KS-1 power supply which was made to run the KL-1 Chippewa linear.  Both the KL-1 and KS-1 are very rare.

Glen, K9STH

Website:  http://k9sth.com

--- On Sat, 2/27/10, Gilbert Cross <k8eag at 4wbi.com> wrote:

A friend of mine , John W8BP, is looking for this power supply.  He was given the amp but then of course needs the PS to put it on the air.  John's e-mail is w8bp at charter.net If anyone has any info please contact John.


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