[Amps] Thermistor's.

Herzog herzog at frontiernet.net
Wed Mar 3 17:43:38 PST 2010

re:  ##  too bad they don't put a thermistor inside a newly designed 
ceramic  incandescent light bulb fixture [ designed to take heat]
then you would never be replacing bulbs ever again. A 1000 hr  bulb now 
becomes a 100k  hr  bulb.

later...... Jim   VE7RF

I had stock in a company, in the 60's, whose product was a small nickel 
sized thermistor which was meant to be dropped into the light bulb 
socket, with the bulb holding it, and getting the inrush limit.
The company petered out, not enough interest in bulb life.
people hot for fluorescents for life and efficiency.  K2LB

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