[Amps] 8877 FS or trade

Barrie Smith barrie at centric.net
Sun May 9 14:32:56 PDT 2010

I've got two new spare 8877s for my HB 6M amp that I built in the early 1990s.  I'm still using the original tube with full output.

I did test both the spares a few weeks ago.  Both put out approximately the same power as the original tube.

Since the sunspots seem to be slowly coming back I'm thinking of setting up a second operating position just for 10 and 15M.

My transceiver is used primarily as an IF for my various EME transverters, so I can't easily use it.

I'd like to have another transceiver, so the thought comes to mind that I could sell one of my spare 8877s, or perhaps trade for a "known good" reasonably late-model transceiver.

Any interest?

Barrie, W7ALW, DN36au,
QRV 6M, 432 & 1296 EME

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