[Amps] Heathkit manuals

Rob Atkinson ranchorobbo at gmail.com
Thu May 20 11:11:44 PDT 2010

<<<Yah gotta admit some people are...Optimistic...and gullible. 6X to 10X
the retail price.

I have something almost as bad:  somewhere on eBay someone is selling
a 4-1000A, chimney and plate heat sink for $800 BIN; bidding starts at

Anyone who seriously expects to make $$$ selling Heathkit manual
reproductions by shutting down a few hams is delusional and badly in
need of a step or three back to get some perspective.

You can argue to the grave about what is legal and what is not but
this is mostly about a few middle aged guys on fixed incomes, in a
hobby where most folks interested in anything made by Heath, barely
have two bucks to rub together, and are just trying to help each other

And some moron who was dumb enough to think he was going to make money
wants to treat everyone like they are in China with a factory making
millions of fake iPhones.

I went into Best Buy yesterday and there were hundreds of SB610s
stacked up along with V7 VTVMs and a line of people extending out to
the parking lot waiting to get one of each to go with their HD LCD tv
sets and iMacs.  People were filling their Volvos and Land Cruisers
with them.   If you believe that, then ask this guy if he needs a
business partner.

If this jackass succeeds at anything it will be to be a nuisance and
lessen some guy's enjoyment of vintage electronics.  He needs to get
together with the ax grinders who file idiotic rule petitions with the

I have a message for anyone who wants to talk about principles here:
Drop this and start a movement to get everyone to start speaking



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