[Amps] Fermi Lab HV solutions

Fuqua, Bill L wlfuqu00 at uky.edu
Sun May 30 11:53:30 PDT 2010

The SHV and these longer ones ( we have use those as well) can be hot plugged just as safely or more so than the ones at Surplus Sales of Nebraska. The ones there are usually used with laser power supplies and not with radios or other sorts of instruments. But, no one who sells these or is responsible for the one site safety of employees or visiting researchers is going to suggest changing HV cables while power is applied. If a drop of sweat from someone should go down the snout of one of these connectors or a piece of conductive material  bad things can happen Sometimes a connector can break from the cable after many cycles of plugging and unplugging. I have seen even stranger things happen. There is no real good reason for hot switching HV connectors and ignoring safety. I know sometimes we get in a hurry and take short cuts but haste can make for a terrible waste.
   The idea of having a safe HV connector is for the situations where HV is still there when it should not be after shutting down a power supply or transmitter. I have, in my younger years, taken lots of chances and have had some close calls. Now as I get older and more forgetful. 

Bill wa4lav

From: amps-bounces at contesting.com [amps-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Bill, W6WRT [dezrat1242 at yahoo.com]
Sent: Friday, May 28, 2010 1:03 PM
To: amps at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [Amps] Fermi Lab HV solutions


On Wed, 26 May 2010 08:18:07 -0700, Patrick Barthelow
<apolloeme at live.com> wrote:

>I am surprised that Fermilab rates RG 213 for use up to 20KV. Also, here is
>the HV connector website of Teledyne Reynolds, referred to in the text below:


Here's a quote from the above website:  "WARNING: These connectors
should NEVER be handled, mated or unmated when voltage is applied"

This is a good idea for any HV connector, but be aware that there are
HV connectors which can be "hot-plugged" safely. One example is the
model 8101 from Surplus Sales of Nebraska:


It's the third one down on the left. I DO NOT recommend hot-plugging,
but if you accidentally do, this one won't kill you.

It MUST be installed with the panel mount socket on the power supply
and the flying lead HARD WIRED to the amplifier (no connector on that
end). Done this way, it's about as safe as you can get.

For $15, it's cheap insurance.

73, Bill W6WRT
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