[Amps] time to death in the event of a blower failure

Colin Lamb k7fm at teleport.com
Mon Nov 8 12:52:15 PST 2010

"I am surprised that a laser thermometer sensor with a programmable safety output level has not been
utilised in high end amps."

Remember, Adrian, that many of us are hobbyists who have long debates about how neutrals are connected, whether parasitic suppressors need to be wound clockwise or counter-clockwise and prefer old analog meters to digital readouts.  Many of us have learned that the more features an amplifier has, the less likely it is to get finished, or even started.  I have one of those amps I started about 10 years ago.  From time to time, I go back to finish it and cannot read my documentation or even trace my wiring.  Thank goodness I have about 10 other less complex amplifiers to get me through.

I have one Alpha 76A that I modified to include a whole bunch of safety features, but the rf got into my unshielded wiring and kept tripping my grid protect.  So, all of that came out.  

Your idea is great for hams with the dedication, time and skills to implement it - but I am not one of those.  I do like the idea of having an amp with a big enough grid that it cannot be damaged even if you do something stupid and sufficient dissipation that you do not have to tune up in 10 seconds.  

73,  Colin  K7FM

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