[Amps] our amplifier in 2010 CQWW

Michael Tope W4EF at dellroy.com
Tue Nov 9 10:06:55 PST 2010

On 11/9/2010 9:49 AM, Jeff Blaine wrote:
> Very nice antenna.  Wow...
> And the comment about wide band use in contests - does not make sense to me.  It seems that's not a power issue per se, it's a
> clipping issue.
> Assuming no receiver-end overloading, a 1KW and a 10KW clean signal should occupy the same bandwidth in an absolute sense.  Right?
> High power is not the cause of splatter.  Overdrive to the point of non-linear operation at ANY given power level is the cause of
> splatter.
> Then again, maybe I don't understand the dynamics of the amp in a real contest station.  :)
> 73, Jeff ACØC
> www.ac0c.com

That is a good observation, Jeff. It is quite easy to make a 500 watt 
amp splatter up and down the band, whereas a clean 10KW amp would not be 

Breaking the rules of a contest is cheating by definition. Some 
participants feel that cheating is okay (like doping in the Tour de 
France). I know from firsthand accounts that a number of top tier 
contesters in the USA do abide by the 1500 watt limit and still produce 
competitive results including numerous #1 finishes.

My observation from CQ WW SSB is that B7P needs to focus on their low 
band receiving capability if they want to improve their score.

73, Mike W4EF.................

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