[Amps] our amplifier in 2010 CQWW

Jim Barber audioguy at charter.net
Tue Nov 9 22:37:25 PST 2010

All these YC156 references are giving me a tic, and I'm not even a 
contester. (except maybe Field Day, oh boy)

I'm just tired of frying commercial amplifiers running AM, SSTV and RTTY 
at perfectly legal output levels, correctly tuned and into decent loads. 
And, YC156's are cheap enough as pulls, which is where I got mine.

I've also owned a few very fast cars, and have only one ticket to show 
for it. I wasn't paying attention where a 40mph zone dropped to 35mph. 
What a criminal... I even bore myself. ;-)

Jim, N7CXI

On 11/9/2010 10:16 PM, Jim Thomson wrote:
> Date: Tue, 09 Nov 2010 20:16:04 -0800
> From: Jim Brown<jim at audiosystemsgroup.com>
> Subject: Re: [Amps] our amplifier in 2010 CQWW
> On 11/9/2010 6:45 AM, Carl wrote:
>> That would also disqualify a good percentage of the USA and the rest of the
>> world.  Do you really think its honored, especially by the stations that
>> arent regularly scrutinized.
> I know this may come as a shock to some folks on this list, I know MANY
> honorable contesters, including some with big time reputations, who play
> by the rules.
> ###  which rules are these?   The rules that say there is NO limit on the
> amount of money that can be spent on stacked arrays  for each band ??
> Or the same 'rules'  that stipulate that 150 kw ERP  from station XXX  is
> 'ok'..... but  5 kw ERP  from  station  YYY  is a 'no-no'  ??   Or the rules that say
> you can fill up a room with  a 1/2 doz or more, $12K  xcvr's.
> There are certainly some who think that the rules don't
> apply to them -- like Ivanna Trump, rules are for the little people.
> ## The rules, as currently written, are clearly slanted  for  folks
> with BIG cheque books. Heck, most of em don't even climb their own towers.
> IMO, those dishonorable schmucks who don't play by the rules are the
> little people, and I have no respect for them.
> ## The little guy doesn't have deep pockets.  BTW... I don't see any handy dandy
> YC-156 schematics in the latest ARRL hand book. If the little guy wants to run tubes like
> that, he has to design it himself....from scratch.  Try it some time. The end justify's the means.
> On 11/9/2010 6:45 AM, Carl wrote:
>> A US magazine trying to dictate to the world is totally asinine.
> No, it's the RULES FOR A CONTEST, which are established by a volunteer
> committee of contesters.
> ## and how many of them reside outside the USA ??   Perhaps if paid
> professional's  were employed, we would get some real rules, and a level
> playing field.
>> I can just see the CQ Contest Committee running around the world with their
>> wattmeters looking for those extra watts(-;
> ##  The array solutions  'powermaster' wattmeters  with the pro software
> give you the ability to display your wattmeter on your website, or any where else.
> Now perhaps some volunteer folks  could sit their and watch on line wattmeters
> all weekend.  Or how abt live cams ?
> In the past few years, some major contest operations HAVE BEEN
> disqualified, and the rules have been rewritten to allow representatives
> of the committees to inspect competing stations in real time during the
> contest.
> ##  Dunno abt you, but nobody gets past my property line....and I mean
> nobody....even if you bring your own milk and cookies.
> Some of you guys make me sick to my stomach, no matter what your
> nationality. My parents taught me that "the other guy does it" is NEVER
> justification for doing wrong.  Yet another example of why and how the
> world has lost its way morally and ethically.
> ###  IMO, as long as you have stupid rules that state that 150 kw erp is ok for one
> group.... but  3 kw erp is  not ok for another group,   and that if  group 'A'  has unlimited  financial resources,
> and group 'B' is on a shoe string budget... what the heck did you expect ?   Nothing new here. This power craze
> has been going on since 1968 that I know of. The little guy usually gets fed up with getting sand kicked in his face
> year after year, and decides he needs an equalizer.  A YC-156 is  $300.00   I paid $75.00  for my 10 kva CCS  hypersil
> pole pig, and 1/2" cu tubing is cheap at home depot.  Or you can do what my buddy north of me just did...and drop
> $6500.00  on a shiny new Alpha  8410.
> ## An 80m dipole up 100', suspended between  trees  is a nice ant..... trbl is, you lose 14 db,
> cuz of it's  14 db F/S ratio.    Most countries have rules that  stipulate to... 'use the min pwr required to
> establish contact'.  The same  rules didn't say to run 150 kw ERP  for  48 hrs all weekend.
> Jim   VE7RF
> 73, Jim Brown K9YC
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