[Amps] Suggestions - I broke my amp - part 2

Vic K2VCO vic at rakefet.com
Tue Nov 16 18:44:37 PST 2010

Check that the bandswitch contacts haven't burned off.

On 11/16/2010 5:43 PM, Larry wrote:
> A number of you offered suggestions a couple of weeks ago and I checked those
> suggestions a couple of times. I have finally got back to trying to track down what
> is probably a silly error on my part that has broken my Clipperton-L. The mods were
> triggered by the destruction of the original parasitic suppressors. The amp was
> working - just not well in all conditions.
> I  replaced the power supply board (just an upgrade to better supply), replaced the
> plate RFC to an Ameritron AL-572 RFC along with the parasitic suppressor board,
> changed the plate bypass cap at the power supply side of the plate RFC to a 0.002uf
> value, changed the plate blocking cap to 0.002uf, changed the filament RFC to a
> bigger unit, and changed a couple of doorknobs for 160 (unrelated to the original
> problem of the parasitic suppressors). I haven't gotten to 160 yet. The current effort
> is using 40. The current result is still no output
> 1. There is plate current (as measured by the panel meter) and there is plate voltage.
> 2. I don't have a HV probe but I could measure at the plate  voltage (at the plate caps)
> as the voltage was dropping after turning off the power switch and it tracked with the
> panel meter.
> 3. The idle current seems OK.
> 4. The plate current follows keying. The plate current changes as it should as the driving
> power is increased or decreased.
> 5. Adjusting the output cap controls has no noticeable effect on the plate current (no dip
> etc).
> 6. Using an ohmmeter there is continuity (short) from the output network side of the plate
> blocking cap (on the cap lead) to the output connector. From the other side of the
> plate blocking cap (on the cap lead) to the power supply there is continuity (short).
> Thinking perhaps the new blocking cap might be bad I replaced it with a pair of 0.001uf
> in parallel but still have the same result. (I remeasured the shorts after replacing the
> blocking cap.)
> 7. The output relay is switching as it should. None of the wiring to the relay was touched
> in this mod.
> It has been a long time since I worked on an amp. I am sure I am overlooking something
> small and silly. I was hoping one of the gurus here might have a pointer or suggestion of
> something I might have missed.
> Thanks
> 73, Larry  W6NWS
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Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA

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