[Amps] Building a Mock Up

Dan Levin dan at andlev.com
Wed Nov 17 13:49:23 PST 2010

NB: I am in the middle of doing this for the first time!

I started out with a cardboard box and blocks of foam - moving the
pieces around until I had things the way that I wanted them.  Then I
designed the boards that house the major components (I/O board for
example, with the RF relays), and built them up.  Then I checked the
actual components (this is a solid state amp, so power supply,
splitter/combiner, output filter, etc.) in my cardboard box.  Then I
designed the chassis using Protocase's CAD design tool, and had them
fabricate the chassis, and several internal brackets.  Now I am in the
process of assembling the components into the chassis.

Having Protocase fabricate the chassis may be considered "cheating" by
some - it will certainly result in a prettier amplifier (powder coated
and silk-screened, no less), at much higher cost in dollars (but much
lower cost in hours).

                               ***dan, K6IF

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