[Amps] Pulse tuning

Jim Thomson jim.thom at telus.net
Thu Sep 23 06:34:17 PDT 2010

Date: Thu, 23 Sep 2010 19:58:55 +0800
From: Alek Petkovic <vk6apk at bigpond.com>
Subject: Re: [Amps] Pulse tuning
To: dezrat1242 at yahoo.com,amps at contesting.com
<20100923115856.LAIE8424.nschwotgx01p.mx.bigpond.com at MARMION.bigpond.com>

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At 07:22 PM 23/09/2010, Bill, W6WRT wrote:
>On Thu, 23 Sep 2010 03:57:11 -0500, donroden at hiwaay.net wrote:
> >If you have to pulse, you are relying too much on power supply capacitors.
> >Just build it "large" and don't worry about pulsing.
> >Don WA4NPL
>I agree. If you HAVE to pulse to avoid damage, you amp is running on the
>edge of self-destruction anyway. Beef it up so it can run full carrier
>for at least five minutes at a time with no sweat. Then you can tune it
>up the 'right' way.
>Bill, W6WRT

Surely, with pulse tuning, you are getting the duty cycle as close as 
possible to ssb conditions. Therefore you are tuning your amplifier 
to the absolute optimum level.

When you tune with full carrier, power supply sag come into play in a 
big way and so, once you have tuned your amp under constant carrier 
conditions, it will be less than optimum for ssb operation.

Tell me if I'm barking up the wrong tree but I see pulse tuning as 
the obvious way to go.

73, Alek.

##  Myself, and everyone here in town has used pulse tuning since the
late 70's.  Alek is correct.   You are better off  to use pulse tuning, and tweak the
duty cycle such that it's the same as the mode you will be using. On some of
these amps,  the B+ regulation is crap. Tune with a dead cxr and ur po  will be way
less than when on ssb.   On ssb ur average B+  will be a lot higher.  Tune with a cxr,
and you have NOT tuned up for max pep out, when on ssb.   

##  tune with a cxr, and if something is off resonance a bit, then plate current is way higher
than normal, and po is way less than normal.   Plate diss is way higher than normal.  Why beat
the crap out of the tubes, bandswitch's, plate xfmr, and everything else ?  If somebody doesn't like
the string of 60 wpm  dots, then they can either QSY...or  turn on the auto notch.  If I'm in a ssb 
round table, and have to  tweak the amp, I switch to CW.. and use the opposite sideband...so the 
folks in roundatble hear........nothing.  

later... Jim   VE7RF

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