[Amps] 4 wire 240VAC service? What to do now?

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Mon Apr 4 19:24:42 PDT 2011

On 4/4/2011 2:57 PM, Gary Schafer wrote:
> Jim,
> Your method #1:
> This method was allowed several years ago but NEC no longer allows this. You
> must now run 4 wires to building #2 and NOT bond neutral and ground in
> building #2. that panel is treated as a sub panel and it also requires a
> ground rod in addition to the ground wire from the main panel.
> Under the old method as you describe neutral and ground would be bonded at
> the sub panel.
> Your Method #2:
> You say to run two hots and neutral. You didn't mention a ground wire. Did
> you mean to say that 4 wires would be run?

OOPS! Cut and paste goof.  Yes, in Method #2 ground MUST be carried 
between buildings using a conductor equal in size or larger than the 
phase conductors.

> If so then ok. However a local ground rod is STILL required at the panel in
> the 2nd building. The only time a ground rod is not required at a sub panel
> is when the sub panel is located in the same building as the main panel.

You're probably right, and it's certainly good practice. I chose not to 
use Method #2, so I didn't look that up.

Thanks for finding the error, and my apologies to the first guy who 
alerted me and I blew him off. Sorry!

73, Jim

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