[Amps] 4 wire 240VAC service? What to do now?

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Tue Apr 5 09:35:05 PDT 2011

On 4/5/2011 4:58 AM, Paul Christensen wrote:
> I realize this is drifting OT but I had a situation several years ago where
> an isolation transformer was used at a remote building.  In that case, I
> believe the NEC addresses the distribution as a separately derived system
> and as an exception to the general rule, neutral would bond with ground in
> the remote building's panel.

NEC requires that every SYSTEM must have its neutral bonded to the 
ground wire at the point where it is established, which that transformer 
does. So yes, it is required to be bonded. There is NOT a requirement 
for ground rods, but ALL GROUNDS associated with a building must be 
bonded together.

73, Jim Brown K9YC

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