[Amps] Where is power measured ?

donroden at hiwaay.net donroden at hiwaay.net
Thu Apr 7 05:08:20 PDT 2011

Quoting Paul Manuel <k4pdm at yahoo.com>:
> Field strength measurements are normally not required for broadcast stations.
> 73, Paul K4PDM

I measure my directionals every month and my non-directionals at LEAST  
four times a year. You need to know where you are before you can know  
where you are going. Yes, the FCC has relaxed the rules from  
"required" to "recommended"
and many owners have taken that to mean " unnecessary".

It's analogous to not requiring a speedometer in your car......... but  
, you better have some way to prove you weren't exceeding the speed  
limit if the radar gun says otherwise.


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