[Amps] 144MHz GS35 PA components - for sale

dirk reyners on5gs at telenet.be
Thu Apr 21 03:53:36 PDT 2011

Hi all,

I'm selling components of my never-finished GS35 PA for 144MHz (bought a solid state amp)

- a cavity 1/2 wave with a new GS35 tube. Aluminium welded cavity with tuning knob, HV input, HV plugs, N-connector output, and a spare tube which is brand new but had a hard landing, i don't know if it works.
250 EUR

- a HV transformer 2x 3600v 1.6kVA really heavy. 190/220/240v input
150 EUR

- 4 BOSH capacitors 40µF 2500v and a HV bridge rectifier homebrew

- a G3SEK triode board built for the GS35, with manual
100 EUR

the complete cabinet is 500 EUR with a snalehouse blower, a 12v heater traffo, an extra 24v traffo for lowering the primair voltage...... but it weighs a backbraking 80kg's, a bit heavy for the postman.
My QTH = Wijshagen - north-east belgium

my mail adress is on5gs at telenet.be
my phone is 0032487789473

best 73 cu on vhf
on5gs - dirk

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