[Amps] DIN vs N
Jim Thomson
jim.thom at telus.net
Wed Apr 27 05:38:38 PDT 2011
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2011 16:28:58 -0400
From: "Roger (sub1)" <sub1 at rogerhalstead.com>
Subject: Re: [Amps] DIN vs N
I'm much more concerned as to how they are constructed and of what
materials rather than where. That said, If I can get US made of
comparable quality (IE good Silver plated Brass) then I go for the US
made. Sometimes I have to settle for imports as they seem to be the
only source for reasonably priced versus outrageous priced UHF
connectors that fit LMR-600 and larger cables. We're talking $12 - $20
Vs $80 to $125.
## Times Microwave UHF males for LMR-600 cable USED to be a reasonable
price from RF parts etc. [ $12-$17] RF parts had an even better price, when u bought
semi bulk.... like a doz of em. Now they have quadrupled. Meanwhile a 7-16 DIN for
the same LMR-600 is way less than it's UHF counterpart..go figure. 7-16 Dins for
LMR-1200db USED to be semi reasonable....from times microwave. They too have
gone through the stratosphere. Steve Davis at Davis RF is the go to fellow, to solve
most of these problems, including the cable, connectors, and crimp tool.
## BTW... the cell industry uses a lot of Suhner brand 7-16 Dins..and also type N's.
They now all make these 7-16 din 'combi' male connector's... where by the connector can be used
as a straight male connector..with coax..... OR a right angle male connector....also with
coax. BEWARE though, depending on brand, the rms V rating on some of them is way down..like
1 kv.... VS 2800V for other brands. These combi connectors cost more than a regular straight male din.
Since I only required 1-2 right angles.... I bought a ton of straight male dins, crimp style..for my
RG-393 teflon coax. 2-3 x regular din right angle connectors were also purchased. They are just like
a right angle uhf connector..but will handle 2900 vrms. You can get the right angle din variety in any
gender combo you can think of. M-F, F-F, M-M . You can also get 'barrrel' connectors in 7-16 DIN....
like F-F or M-M. Nobody makes a din male to UHF female however. I do have a din male to female N
adaptor. I then screw a N male to uhf female into it...so 2 x adaptors nose to tail. Then stuff like
MFJ-259B's can be fed into things that use a din female. You can also get 7-16 dins for any cable size
you can think of..like RG-58.. up to biggest coax money can buy.
## you can do other stuff with dins too... like join 2 x piecs of coax together.. without having to use the typ
double female barrel connector. You can terminate say 7/8" heliax with a male din...... and the other piece of
coax with a female din..then simply join em. I have never seen a UHF female that terminates on any coax cable.
i have also never seen a UHF T connector that was anything but a F-M-F type. With T connectors for 7-16
dins, any gender combo is available. M-M-M F-F-F F-M-F M-F-M F-F-M M-M-F
AT HF (160-10) the impedance of the UHF connector is of relatively
little importance. They are difficult to spot with a TDR and you can
stack a bunch of them of good quality with almost no noticeable loss.
The exception is on 160 where it's more a resistance problem, not one of
impedance. Even then I doubt it's of much concern unless running QRO
which most of us on here do.
## I don't get it. IF UHF connectors are supposed to be 30-35 ohms.. then
how come the various analyzers out there always show '50-ohms, zero reactance'
when hooked to a dummy load ??? And that's at any freq. Or is ur favourite
wattmeter is used..say a bird 43 with 2 x uhf females on it. XCVR-Bird-Dummy load...
all with uhf connectors... and I get ZERO watts reflected power every time. One would
think the 8 x connector's used in the XCVR-Bird-Dummy load would induce a gross Z
bump.... but it doesn't.
I had to use some imported UHF connectors on the LMR-600 run to the 160
half sloper. I ended up modifying them by opening up the inside with an
end mill for more clearance and higher voltage breakdown. They looked
the same after the mod as they did before.
I still check out the connectors at the swaps, but it's rare now days to
find any good ones. If some one is selling quality connectors I'd
probably clean them out as I typically stock SEVERAL HUNDRED of various
types. I may have mentioned it before, but my work bench sets on three
pedestals. The top drawer on one is for coax connectors. One day I
closed the drawer and it dropped right through the track and took the
two drawers under it out as well.
### Roger, You should get rid of that megabuck Airplane you have. It's
a gas pig anyway ! With the $100K you will then have in your pocket,
then the price of connectors is a moot point. A buddy at work has a 38'
power boat....and moors it at the local marina.... but inside one of those
covered shelters for big boats. $350.00 per month for moorage. Then toss
in insurance. The fuel tank for the Diesel motor is 1200 litres ! He gets
3 mpg when cruising @ 9 knots......which then drops down to just .8 mpg,
at wide open throttle [ 12 knots] . He's out in the boat 2 x weeks out of 52.
Most of the powerboats and also sailboats at our 6 x local marina's..never leave the
Later... Jim VE7RF
Roger (K8RI)
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