[Amps] AL-1500 for legal-limit 160m AM?

Rob Atkinson ranchorobbo at gmail.com
Fri Dec 30 09:15:19 PST 2011

>When I need QRO I have
>a couple of healthy Class C amps in another part of the basement along with
>boatanchor RX and TX's.

I agree--300 - 400 w. ain't QRO : )

> My wife has this thing she swings in front of my face (a shiny bit on a
> string, or was it her fist?)  - "No more boat anchors... No more boat
> anchors..." ;-)

That's too bad.  You miss out on some of the highest build quality
gear available because of that.

After the maximum blower speed, the next thing to consider is:

What do you have in the line between the feedpoint and the AL-1500?
If this is your first time running a few hundred watts or more key
down, any el-cheapo stuff in the line won't hack it, especially on 160

You should have some sort of monitor scope set up -- personally I like
an ersatz trapezoid taken from an RF sample of the exciter and power
amp output that gives me some notion of linearity, and up and down
modulation peaks.  You may prefer simply using an oscilloscope to see
the modulation envelope picked off the amp output--it can show you
things you may not hear like very low frequency audio hum riding the



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