[Amps] GI-7bT amplifier

Glen Zook gzook at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 10 20:05:20 PST 2011

I am in the process of building a single band linear for 160 meters using a pair of GI-7bT tubes.  The reason for single band is that I have 3 other linear amplifiers that cover 80 through 10 but none of them cover 160 meters.

Looking at various circuits (gleaned from the Internet) I notice one common factor and that is none of them, at least that I have found, have any provision for monitoring grid current.  Also, unless I am overlooking something, I don't find any specifications for maximum grid current for the GI-7b or GI-7bT.

My 160 meter exciter puts out a maximum of about 80 watts which definitely should be plenty to drive a pair of GI-7bT tubes.  Anyway, does anyone have any suggestions or information on if I should have any worries about this.  I am well aware of grid restrictions on tubes like the 811A, 572B, 3-500Z, etc.  But, this is my first venture using the GI-7bT tubes.

Glen, K9STH

Website:  http://k9sth.com


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